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BIM Tool
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Radon-safe building.
Nowadays, fire protection and energy saving in buildings are completely self-evident and regulated by law. According to experts, the new Radiation Protection Act could also make this mandatory for the noble gas radon in the future.
Radon is a noble gas that is making waves among house builders, architects and construction companies. According to radon expert Karin Leicht, there is a great deal of uncertainty because there is currently still too little educational work being done on the subject of radon-safe construction. This barrier needs to be broken, as the topic of radon could develop in a similar way to fire protection and energy saving, for which there are already official requirements. The expert assumes that there could soon be corresponding evidence and regulations regarding liability in relation to radon gas.
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Einbaugrafik, Querschnitt durch Garten veranschaulicht Schutz vor Wasser und Radon Schleichgas, Wasser, Telekommunikation und Gasanschluss über MSH Polysafe in Haus sicher eingeführt
Predictive by design - Data Centre Infrastructure
Reliable & Scalable Data Centre Infrastructure
Data centres enable the processing and storage of large amounts of data. This makes them an essential part of digitalisation. They are critical to the smooth operation of modern businesses and organisations, supporting cloud services, compute-intensive applications and internet connectivity.

Scalability, reliability, data security and efficient use of resources must be guaranteed at all times. Hauff-Technik offers maintenance-free solutions for data centres, ensuring smooth operation.
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Planungstool öffnen

BIM Tool

Eine schnelle und effiziente Planung ist für jedes Projekt entscheidend. In Zusammenarbeit mit Cadenas, einem führenden Softwareanbieter, stellen wir Ihnen unsere Kabel- und Rohrabdichtungen CAD-kompatibel zur Verfügung. Hier einfach 2D- und 3D-Zeichnungen entsprechend Ihren Projektanforderungen konfigurieren, herunterladen und in Ihre Planungssoftware importieren!

BIM Tool öffnen

BIM Tool
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02.04. - 02.04.

Leipziger Abdichtungsseminar

Leipzig, Deutschland
07.04. - 09.04.

Middle East Energy

Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
Stand Hall 1, Halle H1-G19
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