Im Fokus

Radon-safe construction.

The most important facts about radon:

  • Statutory reference value for the annual average radon concentration in the air in indoor spaces and at workplaces: 300 Bq/m³
  • Preventative measures against the ingress of radon into buildings should be undertaken in accordance with the general rules of technology. (*Norm SIA 180/2014: Wärmeschutz, Feuchteschutz und Raumklima in Gebäuden, Wegleitung Radon, 2019)
  • The radon concentration in the soil gas may vary between regions and seasons.
  • Radon experts help to determine the radon level and position the appropriate measuring devices (exposimeters). Following this they also provide assistance with defining necessary measures.
  • Radon is the second most frequent cause of lung cancer after smoking.
  • The radioactive noble gas blends with the ambient air outdoors and gets diluted. Therefore it is not dangerous.
  • Everyday tip: Aerating thoroughly and regularly reduces the radon concentration.

(Source: Strahlenschutzverordnung (StSV))

Radon map of Switzerland

The concentrations of radioactive noble gas differs from region to region. The radon map shows the probability[%], that the Reference value of 300 Bq/m3 for radon concentration in buildings is surpassed. The map helps determine the necessity of measuring the radon level in a building. For the measurement, survey institutes authorised by the Bundesamt für Gesundheit BAG can be contacted.


Statutory reference value for the annual average radon concentration in the air in indoor spaces and at workplaces: 900,000 radon particles can enter a house at the same time through a hole the size of a pinhead.

Radon was discovered in 1900. However this noble gas has been in existence since the beginning of time.

Radon map of Switzerland

Safe from radon with correct sealing

Choosing the right solutions is crucial for reliable protection when it comes to sealing supply and disposal lines. Professional solutions for entries both for supplying a building and for wastewater disposal are therefore important factors when planning and constructing a building.

Buildings without a basement

Radon can penetrate into a building through the smallest of cracks.

Buildings with a basement

Radon can penetrate into a building through the smallest of cracks.


Radon information to download

All data and facts on the subject of radon and radon-safe buildings can be found in brief form in our Radon booklet.